Friday, October 8, 2010

Sexual and Human Trafficking in the Boston Area and Beyond Part Three

Monday, July 12, 2010
by Phillip Martin, WGBH

Listen to the story
[8 min 54 sec]

BOSTON -- Of all the dimensions of human trafficking, the kidnapping of children for commercial sexual exploitation is considered the most heinous. In April, the US Attorney’s Office in Boston wrapped up a five-year joint local and federal investigation into a notorious sex trafficking operation with the sentencing of the final defendant in the case. Advocates for child victims applauded investigators for breaking up the ring; however, they also insist that business as usual is going on in hotels, motels and inns throughout the region. They argue that much more must be done to curtail these operations.

Deeper into trafficking:
Part One: Sexual and Human Trafficking
Phillip Martin begins his investigation of human trafficking in Boston and beyond.

Part Two: Sexual and Human Trafficking

Phillip Martin talks to state agencies and police in Massacusetts and Rhode Island about their ongoing investigations.

Part Four: Sexual and Human Trafficking
Phillip Martin explores the international sex trade and why Massachusetts does not have a state law against trafficking.
Phillip Martin on The Emily Rooney Show

Phillip Martin on The Takeaway

How to help
If you are or have been a victim of human trafficking, or have reason to suspect human trafficking is taking place in your community, please contact one of the following organizations >

Trafficking by the numbers
Learn the facts about human trafficking around the world.

The terms of trafficking

Read a glossary of terms commonly associated with trafficking.
Sitting in a park in Brookline as kids follow each other down a plastic slide, Audrey Porter explains how customer demand is fueling an insidious industry. She says, "Anywhere there’s an adult sex industry there are always children in there. Always, always, always." Audrey Porter is a tall, light brown-skinned woman with closely cropped hair. She would like to see more arrests made of customers and pimps who target children. She is wearing sunglasses, but traces of anger can still be seen in her eyes when she talks about this dark subject. "The average age of entry is twelve to fifteen years old" She says, "No one can convince me a girl on her own said, ’I want to be a prostitute.’ There’s always somebody behind that child. Like anything, somebody has to teach you how to do it."

Audrey Porter, photo by Phillip Martin

Audrey Porter, assistant director and
coordinator for My Life, My Choice

Audrey Porter knows. Now in her forties, she was a teenager when she was steered into prostitution in Boston, and stayed there for a while because of a drug habit developed on the job. "And if it were not for the drugs I probably would have lost my mind" Porter says, "I was under-age. Nobody asked for an ID. Once in a while the vice [police unit] might come in and do a little raid and ask girls for their IDs. But if we were inside and we didn’t have an ID they just might say something like ’Get out and if you come back here I’m gonna lock you up!’ It wasn’t ’This could possibly be someone’s child.’"

"Someone’s child," like a young woman whom we will call Donna. As is the case for many people forced into the life, Donna was abused as a child and placed in foster care. When she returned home she often found herself on the streets, alone. In her neighborhood in New York, the streets were not the safest place to be at age sixteen. "I was kidnapped by an older guy who was on drugs, who was addicted to heroin" Donna says, "He used me as a trade-in for his addiction and that’s how I was sold to a pimp. That’s how I got into the life. I was sold for sex to older men."

A "Pimp" is just another name for a domestic sex trafficker, says Audrey Porter. She explains how pimps have upgraded in the digital era to locate new victims, "Pimps can use the internet, they’re recruiting girls from there. They’re setting these girls up with websites, ’Let’s put some make-up on you, some nice clothes, let’s take some professional pictures.’ The reason we never see our children is because they’re on the internet and you have to go on Craig’s List and all those places." These days, Audrey Porter is assistant director of Survivor Services for My Life, My Choice, a local organization assisting young women under 18 who have been coerced or forced into The Life. "What they do now is just place these girls in a hotel room, instead of where I come from on a street corner, and the johns will know where they are, and for the most part, they’re not in sleazy hotels."

street scene, photo by Jenny Junker In fact, business travelers frequent some of these hotels. Police and civil rights workers say sex traffickers prefer overnight lodges off Route One because they easily allow guests to come and go, and are accessible to potential middle-class suburban customers. However, not everyone gets to stay in a hotel. "In Boston I either slept in the car in between dates or if I had met my quota for the night I was allowed to sleep in a hotel," Donna says, but she never knew exactly where she was. "I don’t know the names because one rule is to not to look. It’s called ’staying in pocket.’" Donna explains, "So we’re not allowed to look at others, we’re not allowed to look up at names of streets. It’s strictly ’stay on this corner, go to this place to catch your date, and then come right back to this corner.’"

Bradley Myles has heard similar horror stories. He is the executive director of the Polaris Project, a Washington DC based anti-trafficking organization. He says that on-going public education is needed to explain the intricacies of domestic commercial sexual exploitation. Myles says, "There is a vast mosaic of all the different ways that types of sex trafficking really play out in the United States, ranging from residential brothels out of homes and hostess clubs to even escort services. You have whole networks of these commercial front massage parlors that are really masquerading as brothels. You have forms of domestic sex trafficking, violent US citizen pimps who are using extreme forms of control over adult women and children."

Pimps control young women through fear, intimidation, and violence. Donna was one such person who subjected to violent coercion. "I have a lot of physical scars," she says. "I have one on my arm, one on my leg. I was in and out of the hospitals a lot. Black eyes. Of course there were the johns who were abusive. My finger was almost cut off. There was a lot of abuse." Donna, now 26, has two children. She reconciled with her mother recently, and both are working to restore normalcy to a life that was shattered in the aftermath of her kidnapping ten years ago.

photo by Jenny Junker Donna says she can think back to moments when she had a chance to escape, including times when she was driven to the Boston area. "But," Donna explains, "the person who had actually sold me into the life knew where my family was and so there were always a lot of threats against my family and I believed those threats." For several reasons, few people whom Donna encountered during her ordeal believed her. Girls and boys forced into prostitution are instructed to lie about their ages and their names, to never tell the truth. When Donna finally did tell the truth, she says, "I felt that nobody was going to believe me, especially in the beginning because I didn’t know what a pimp was. Who was going to believe that there was a pimp that has me locked in a room?"

Sunanda Nair does. Nair asserts, "Every time that people say, ’Oh, those are a bunch of prostitutes who got arrested,’ you probably have to think about that a little bit more and think about it as, ’Are those women really doing that by choice?’" Nair is co-founder of a new anti-trafficking non-governmental organization called One Goal. Most recently she assisted a young victim of a notorious trafficker, Darryl Tavares. Tavares was recently convicted in Boston for trafficking of minors across state lines and physical assault of multiple girls all of whom were subpoenaed to testify by federal agents."

Tavares led a ring of men who abducted troubled black, Latino and white teenagers off Boston streets; sometimes literally stuffing them in vans and then forcing them into prostitution. To create fear, he carved the face of one young woman with a potato peeler, according to trial testimony. The trafficking ring also allegedly placed an ad in a Boston weekly newspaper targeting young women by promising jobs to those with "a desire to travel and see new places."

Nair’s young client was yanked from the streets into a life not of her choosing. "She was trafficked out of Dorchester, downtown Boston, all the way to New York through a national ring. The case went on for years. This young woman was lucky enough to get an NGO behind her and an FBI agent who cared enough to really get involved and give her help, such as witness protection from the perpetrators."

photo by Phillip Martin

Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney for Massachusetts,
Thomas Perez, Asst. Attorney General,
Civil Rights Division, and Warren Bamford,
FBI Special Agent in Charge (now retired)

Ted Merritt, an Assistant US Attorney for Massachsuetts, says the federal government is now investigating other human trafficking rings that are preying on the underaged, "because under the federal law, apart from the victimization of young people being a horrendous thing, you don’t have to prove that it’s done by force, fraud, or coercion. Under eighteen [years old], it’s presumed those elements are there, so many of our cases, investigations, prosecutions have focused on the underage victims." And because, as Donna contends, "The police were completely unsympathetic."

Legislation is being considered in Massachusetts, which — among other objectives — would train law enforcement officials to work with child prostitution victims rather than against them. But that legislation has languished in a state Senate committee for years, even as the problem has worsened, according to the Polaris Project. This gives Massachusetts the dubious distinction of being one of five states that has failed to enact a comprehensive bill to stop human trafficking.

<> | <> | Part Four >

"Sexual and Human Trafficking in the Boston Area" is a four-part series produced by WGBH Radio.Phillip Martin – senior investigative reporter

Steve Young – editor and executive producer
Katie Broida - researcher
Nic Campos - researcher

Sexual and Human Trafficking in the Boston Area and Beyond

Source: WGBH Radio

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