Friday, November 2, 2012

eLearning tool for the private sector: Human Trafficking and Business

Source: UN.GIFT

The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) and the End Human Trafficking Now! Campaign (EHTN!) have developed an eLearning course which is a modular training programme for business leaders, managers and employees of business companies.

If you want to download the e-elarning course or find out more on our trainings for the corporate sector, please send a message to

Why businesses should be concerned:

The increasingly complex composition of corporate activity, with various supplier and subcontractor relationships, challenges the ability of companies to monitor their activities around the world. However, because human trafficking violates international human rights norms and laws, often defies international labour standards, and regularly involves corruption, businesses should ensure that all elements of their operations, including their products, premises and services are not contributing to human trafficking.

Doing so enables companies to manage risk and ensure that their reputation and integrity remain intact. Further, companies should consider ways to help eliminate the existence of human trafficking through the promotion of codes of conduct and corporate social responsibility in an effort to enhance stakeholder relationships and improve business environments.

About the tool:

In addition to the eLearning course, a training handbook was develop to serve as a manual for educational purposes. The course aims to help enterprises understand what human trafficking is, identify where it might be a risk to their business and point to actions they can take to address this risk.

The tool consist of three modules:

Module 1: What is human trafficking?
This module will seek to raise basic awareness of the international definition of trafficking in persons, forms of trafficking, links to commercial sexual exploitation and forced labour; countries, regions and economic sectors affected by trafficking; and principle causes. One of the main objectives of the module will be to ensure that users can identify potential cases of human trafficking should they encounter them, while equipping them with the knowledge and tools to evaluate specific circumstances and conditions as cases of trafficking or not.

Module 2: Why is human trafficking an issue for business?
This module will make the case for business engagement against human trafficking at various levels: workplace, community of operation, supply chain, national, regional and international. The focus of the argument will be on the prevention and management of risk. The module will look at the unique risks to business associated with the direct use of company products or services by traffickers themselves, e.g. in the travel, tourism and hospitality sectors, and how these differ from other labour/human rights issues.

Module 3: What can business do to address human trafficking?
In very practical terms and using concrete examples drawn from the private sector, this module will provide guidance on taking creative and sustainable action against trafficking at the various levels outlined in Module 2: workplace, supply chain, community, etc. Significantly, this module will also make a distinction between action taken by companies on the one hand and that taken by business associations and representatives of industry on the other.

Each module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and includes a short quiz which must be completed prior to finishing the module. The modules draw exclusively on practical and concrete case studies from your peers and colleagues in the business community in industries as diverse as sporting goods, cosmetics, commercial air travel, garments and textiles, tourism and hospitality.

This course is consistent with and complementary to existing resources on business and human trafficking developed by UN.GIFT, the EHTN! Campaign and the UN Global Compact. Whether you are a business leader, a manager at a small or medium sized company, or an employee of a major multinational brand, you will find significant value in taking this course, with content helping you to better understand and respond to the complex human and labour rights challenges that are posed by human trafficking, perhaps within your own workplace or company, or in your supply chain.

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