launched the Freedom Project blog as the online base for CNN’s The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery, a project that will run throughout 2011 on the cable network and Web site, aimed at detailing modern-day slavery, stopping the trading and exploitation of humans, and hearing from the victims.
Regular features on the blog will include: The Number, a weekly graphic examining the numbers related to human trafficking; Solutions, success stories about people and nations fighting the problem; iReport Challenge, giving members of user-generated news community CNN iReport assignments to allow them to participate in the discussion; and data visualizations demonstrating the scope of the problem, local and global aspects, and the lack of consistent numbers.
All content from the Freedom Project blog will also be available via CNN Mobile, and the project has a Twitter account and a Facebook page.
CNN International executive vice president and managing director Tony Maddox said:
It’s our journalism-based assertion that this is the greatest uncovered breaking news story of today, and CNN plans to rip the lid off. The inhumanity of those who trade humans is truly shocking and should be stopped. Our coverage will spotlight not just those responsible, but the many courageous groups and individuals on the front lines doing genuinely admirable work.
CNN Takes On Slavery, Human Trafficking with The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery - WebNewser

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