Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reintegration of victims of trafficking in Albania

Reintegration of victims of trafficking in Albania by D&E @UN.GIFT.HUB

Anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress syndrome, borderline and other personality disorders as well as schizophrenia are just some of the mental health problems survivors of human trafficking have to face.

In its recently released 2010 annual report, the Albanian NGO Different and Equal (D&E) provides valuable data on the many health issues affecting victims of human trafficking and the challenges of their recovery. The report describes the profile of the victims supported, the identification and referral process incurred and trends in trafficking and exploitation of persons.

D&E was established in May 2004 to provide reintegration services for Albanian victims of trafficking and vulnerable populations. In 2010, D&E was chosen as one of the awardees of the UN.GIFT Small Grants Facility to develop a project for the sustainable reintegration for victims of human trafficking in Albania.

Through its project 'Providing Sustainable Reintegration Assistance for Albanian Victims of Trafficking and those in risk of being trafficked' 79 victims of trafficking have been provided with relevant reintegration services. 29 beneficiaries have attended vocational training, and 19 clients continued their formal education. A number of survivors started their own businesses and others found job placements throughout Albania.

Read the full report in the UN.GIFT.HUB Resource Centre


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